“As a member of the panel, I value CMB for its professionalism and the rigor it applies in selecting its tasters”

Benjamin Loze is a buyer for Supermarchés Match, a supermarket chain with 114 supermarkets in North-Eastern France. Part of his job involves traveling to French vineyards to taste and select the wines to be sold in the stores.
A few years ago Benjamin joined the tasting panel at CMB, which he describes as “one of the most professional competitions in the wine industry”. See what he has to say about See what he has to say about how the CMB medals influence sales.
“My market in the North-East of France is very customer-oriented and consumers there tend to be highly knowledgable about wine. Due to this, CMB medals are well recognised there and prove to be significantly more effective in driving sales than other competitions.
The strength of the CMB medal lies particularly in its ability to attract new consumers. I’ve noticed that when I choose a wine with a lower profile or one that is sometimes challenging to promote, it becomes significantly more successful once it receives a CMB award, with sales immediately increasing by 15 to 20%. Recently, I added a Menetou-Salon that received a silver medal at the CMB, and it sold out within just a few months, surpassing my expectations for the timeline.
The CMB medal serves as a valuable tool for promoting new appellations which customers are less familiar with. It proves to be an excellent method for introducing consumers to wines they may not be acquainted with. Currently, I do more business with Menetou-Salon than with Sancerre, despite the latter being more widely recognized.
As a member of the panel, I value CMB for its professionalism and the rigor it applies in selecting its tasters. Each panel features individuals from diverse geographical and professional backgrounds. Despite their varying palates, a consensus on wines of superior quality is consistently achieved. This is real added value!”
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